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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

An unexpected present.

finger food with tuna

Here is my apotheosis for the most delicious finger food . There are three reasons that make this  dish wonderful. First of all the fact that it’s a finger food , in my opinion, gives it top marks. Secondly, it’s made with fresh tuna (which here costs normally 27 euros a kilogram) Third: I had the Tuna for FREE !!!!!!!!!!!. Wonderful don’t you think ? Especially the third point! Now I am going to tell you a nice story.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         This is one of the reasons it’s lovely to live in a small community. Me and the gentleman from the fish counter have been chatting for years  about cooking and about all the best way to cook fish. So the other day I spoke with him about tuna and pink pepper and how this combination with a simple addition of fresh thyme would  create a wonderful appetizer. Would you believe it … … but, the gentleman was so excited by the idea ,that he gave me a slice of fresh tuna as a present !! Thanks to him, this finger food is the true combination of generosity and passion for cooking.

Serves 2
1 slice fresh tuna steep 100 grams
A handful of pink pepper
A handful of thyme
Evo Oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest, finely chopped
How it works:
Cut the tuna into small cubes. In a mortar grind together the pink pepper and thyme. Pass the cubes of tuna in the chopped red pepper and thyme mixture. In a non stick pan gently cook the cubes on either side, for few minutes. In a bowl pour the evo oil, lemon juice, lemon peel and a pinch of salt. Mix well. Place the tuna cubes on a serving dish and pour over the evo oil dressing. 

4 comments to An unexpected gift.

  • Pausleal

    Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article

  • Gilberto

    I hope you have a good day!

  • Claudio

    Sono il signore del regalo inatteso. faccio questo lavoro (pescivendolo) da venti anni, e da subito è nata la passione per questo lavoro e della buona cucina. In tutti questi anni ho istaurato con i clienti rapporti di scambio dell’arte culinaria sperimentando vari tipi di piatti di pesce, e devo dire con ottimi risultati, alietando cene con gli amici. Mi fa piacere di questo articolo, ringranzio Simona per le belle parole dette. Con l’occasione ho scoperto questo Blog che è fantastico, fatto benissimo, con argomenti interssanti. Complimenti.

  • Claudio, benvenuto e grazie per il tuo commento.Sono contenta che da ora in poi vedrai che cosa accade al pesce che prendo da te…….un saluto e spero in una tua presente partecipazione su questo mio blog.

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