Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

black risotto with clams
It has a nice look and a very good taste ,so why do we use it so little? I recently discovered the black rice, and after eating for the first time I was honestly very impressed. I decided to merge it with clams and cod, a fairly classic [...]

canapes salmon and rocket
As a tradition in this blog, I decided that on Saturday there is no better recipe than a appetizer for a cocktail. If you have guests for the weekend, this canapès, it will be a great success. The secret is to make these small, so your hand or that of [...]

baked patatoe
The days of the fireplace are almost finished, and frankly I am very happy! To bring the wood in and light the fire every day is heavy. But at last the sun is high and the days are starting to be long. The months in front will be spent in the vegetables [...]

My friend’s mother does not drive and she never leaves the village. Her time is spent working the land, taking care of grandchildren and killing rabbits! This is a great chance for me because a few times a year she calls to asks if I’m interested in taking [...]

wholemeal spaghetti whit fish
A light and incredibly tasty plate of spaghetti, very good if you are on a diet but also a great way to impress your guests. The wholemeal pasta in my opinion has an excellent flavor and is difficult to over cook. Fresh shrimps and baby octopus. When the fish is [...]

sun-dried tomatoes and burrata cheese
These were the last of my sun dried tomatoes . Last summer I planted 60 tomato plants, a large part we eat during the summer ,with another part I made jars of tomato passata and some were made into sun-dried tomatoes. Now the stocks are running out and the [...]

ravioli gorgonzola and pecorino cheese
Here’s what happened watching one of the Jamie Oliver old programs -The Naked Chef-! First of all, to see someone so young able to create such a delicious food I liked a lot, and regarding him we all know what he has done over the years . The second [...]

mini cake with courgettes
The idea of this mini cake came to me during the summer, when I was desperate to use the huge amount of courgettes my vegetable garden produced. With the courgettes its always the same. Every year, when the first ones come along I’m very excited, I also start to make [...]

apple and cinnamon cake
When I was little my mother used to make this simple cake very often, usually she would start preparing it after lunch. The idea was ,once the cake was baked and patiently left to cool, a slice was cut for us young children to be eaten after dinner. Her plan [...]

Bulgur with porcini mushrooms and Jerusalem artichoke
I don’t think I have told you that in these days the green hills of Umbrian were covered with snow, there were two days when the landscape was completely white, it was great. As an excuse for this bitter cold , I don’t know if you noticed, [...]

Savory panna cotta
The weekend is almost here and I can not wait to enjoy my glass of wine, maybe even two ! This is the nice thing when you commit yourself to trying to be healthy during the week, i.e. drinking lots of water, eating healthily and doing sport …. I know it [...]

Pork fillet and orange marmalade
You need a maximum of 7 minutes to prepare this dish. The combination of pork and fruit is something that has been known for generations: apricots, figs and there are recipes where Tea is also used. I decided to try using orange marmalade for this recipe and the [...]

I love this expression, comfort food is what makes you happy, its the one that helps on a cold and depressing day , food that you eat comfortably on the couch in total relaxation.Perfect. Unfortunately the only problem is that this kind of food is also the type that becomes very uncomfortable [...]

Linguine with caramelized onions and anchovies
I do not know if it happens to you too, but to me there are some days that in my mind I build up combinations of ingredients … … … and the more I think about this the more I feel like trying if it works. This Linguine [...]

zucchini roll
This is one of my favorites finger foods , certainly one of the reasons is that during the summer I have lots of zucchini in my vegetable garden and I have to find different ways to cook them, but the real reason why I love this finger food is because it’s incredibly [...]
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