Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2
Vertical Bitto cheeses
A couple of days ago my friend Rita sent an email asking if I wanted to attend a wine tasting near Terni. Wines from Valtellina in northern Italy combined with a Vertical Cheese tasting. Si grazie , of course, I said to her!!
What is a vertical cheese tasting , you might [...]
Green Tagliatelle made with parsley served with a aubergine pesto
While on my morning run today I met Salvatore , a very fit 80 year old ,he was busy pruning his olive trees. Ciao -I said- would you mind if I bring my car later and load up with some of your cut olive branches for [...]
Spelt and Chickpeas spicy soup
After spending three days researching the history of the use of spelt, chickpeas and lentils, Sunday, the day I was to hold a class for twenty eight American students finely arrived .All young ,enthusiastic ,and full of interest in the food and wine connected to Umbrian history. My lesson was about the use, by the [...]
red pepper sorbet
This last week has been really tough. More and more snow has meant we have been unable to interact with the outside world. It’s been 14 days where the snow has completely ruled our daily activities. But we`ve done very well and survived without killing each other ! (Happy S. Valentine’s day!)
We do [...]
Egg Carbonara
This morning was my turn to be first out of bed . I set the animals free , fed the cats and let Lui out . Then I started the kitchen fire and brought a cappuccino to Nick who was waiting in bed. Yes, my Birthday is well and truly over. All [...]
Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni
Last night on the eve of my birthday, Nick asked me if I had any special wishes . Well, to tell you the truth, I did have one… Snow !!! And lots of it. That wish came true this morning. I couldn’t believe it , we opened the shutters [...]
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