Small knots of green paste made with parsley, filled with chestnut and ricotta cheese and served with Pioppini mushrooms .
A few weeks ago, on a beautiful Autumn afternoon ,we went to meet our good friend Fumo . He had kindly offered to introduce us to some other local people who kept goats. Our mission was to check out some possible homes for Hilda ( regular readers will know the background to this story ).
We agreed to meet at the local cemetery ( in hindsight , I should have taken this to be a bad Oman ). Once there , Fumo hopped into our car and we started the bumpy journey into the surrounding hills. The Autumn colors were spectacular , orange , yellow and red. Really breath taking . Almost enough to take my mind of the fact that my head was being bashed against the car roof.
After a while, amongst a group of olive pickers we spotted one of the friends we had come to find .Fumo introduced us and we explained our mission. The Signora looked at Nick and began to gravely shack her head. Unfortunately she no longer had any goats . They had all been killed by a mixture of hunting dogs and wolves. “ Un Massacro !! “. Because of this they had decided not to keep any more . She was very sorry not to be able to help ,but suggested another couple further up the hill.
Off we went again , following an ever more bumpy track. Eventually in the distance we saw three rather large goats with impressive looking horns. . This must be the place. Once there we stopped the car and rang the bell.
We were welcomed in by a very friendly couple and began to retell our story. Again another sad shacking of the head. They were very sorry ,but all their female goats had been killed by wolves and they only had three males left. The ones we had seen on the hill.
O Mamma Mia ! Now I’m pretty sure those three old Billie’s would be very happy to have Hilda as a roommate. But , to be honest with you , she’s getting a bit old for all that . Plus, if the wolves didn’t kill her the three horny old Billie’s probably would !!
We thanked them and headed back . On the way , I couldn’t help thinking how very beautiful these hills are ,but at the same time how tough they can be. Especially if you’re a goat !
In the end we decided to keep Hilda at home with us. Perhaps , the answer will be to find some chickens. That way she wouldn’t be alone and we’d have a fresh supply of eggs and the occasional meal.
Later in the evening , whilst sitting by the fire ,I decided to balance out all this carnivorous activity with a nice vegetarian dish . Pasta d’Autunno . Full of Autumn flavor , but not for your average wolf !
Simona – your fans in New York eagerly anticipate your postings. Such lovely snapshots of life in the Italian countryside, written with your usual good humour. Beautiful pictures from Nick today, as well. Don’t stop writing – or cooking or drinking! xb
Ah Simona you make me laugh! Thanks. And your fall is beautiful as is Allerona in the dusk. This May we are going to come for a visit! Ci vediamo. Bill
problems with your goat? Ask Fumo 800-029-029! Assistance’n’ repairing…
complimenti per i dipinti, perchè non sembrano foto ma quadri. anche i fagottini sono fantastici il tim ha colpito ancora.
Hello Simona, I stumbled upon your blog looking for a chestnut and chickpea recipe and I totally fell in love with it. I’m very curious about the recipe above and envy you for your kitchen!
Hi Mari welcome to my blog, you’re right, I still have to write the recipe for my green pasta!!sorry about that. I will do it as soon as possible.
Thanks for the compliments about my kitchen . I hope someday you will be able to come here in Umbria and cook with me, or if you like to join us at the Supper Club. Ciao and welcome again. Simona
Hi Simona,
I am delighted to see your photos of the countryside in the autumn, having visited Ellen and Bruce in Allerona in the springtime.
Thank you for your inspiring blog. We are vegan and I’m always looking for recipes that I can use or adapt. I’ll have to try the chestnuts — and book another ticket to Allerona.