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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Whatever the weather!

red pepper sorbet



This last week has been really tough. More and more snow has meant we have been unable to interact with the outside world. It’s been 14 days where the snow has completely ruled our daily activities. But we`ve done very well and  survived without killing each other ! (Happy S. Valentine’s day!)



We do live isolated from the small village of Allerona  and in the last few weeks its been impossible to use the car to reach the main road .  Most of the time we have had to walk back and forth from the village to our house (20 minute walk each way) carrying shopping bags,  pet food,  feed for chickens ….. yes, three or four times I slipped on the ice, but fortunately I haven`t broken any bones yet! Shoveling snow and bringing  in the wood for the fire has also been my daily exercise. I’ve had more then enough of it all !!

Even Nick,  after trying my new recipe said: Simona how can you cook a  pepper sorbet, when out there it is less than three degrees??? I know ,probably not the right time for it, all this snow must have gone to my brain  but believe me this pepper sorbet served with a pork tenderloin  is absolutely delicious whatever the weather!
Anyway today, finally, the SUN! I am really happy and in a good mood , yes I must be honest, I’ve had enough of all this white landscape, it’s the middle of February and I am dreaming about  hot days, flowers and wearing my flip flops. So welcome back to the sun , please keep shining, and I`ll  keep hoping …..could this be spring arriving ??????

- 500 g of red peppers- 250 ml water

- 300 g of sugar

- 1 egg white, whipped, with 1 pinch of salt.

How it works: Grill the peppers for 20 minutes. Place in a paper bag and let it to cool. Remove skin and seeds. Using a  mixer machine make it creamy. In a saucepan heat water and sugar for 10 minutes, until you have a thick syrup. Combine the syrup with  peppers cream and allow to cool. Gently combine the whipped egg white and put in the freezer. For three / four times ,every 30 minutes , put out your sorbet from the freezer and keep mixing well. Eat the red pepper sorbet combine with pork or fried chicken. You can keep it in the freezer for a month!

4 comments to Whatever the weather!

  • nicolino Fabrizio

    l’idea del sorbetto al peperone la trovo fantastica finalmente un’alternativa al solito anche se buono sorbetto al limone dovrebbe acconpagnarsi anche molto meglio alla carne. Le foto sono surreali ma siete certi che non rappresenti un pianeta sconosciuto? Ragazzi occhio agli extra terrestri.

  • cec

    ahahah! nicolino, c’hai azzecato!….sarà Venere? dài Nick, la prossima volta ci aspettiamo la foto di un venusiano!
    bando agli scherzi, Nick: la seconda sembra un quadro di Pollock….stupende foto, come al solito bravissimo.
    cmq Simona, il sorbetto al peperone ci piace assai…che dici, per i vegetariani si può accompagnare a una zuppa di fagioli?

  • Ciaoo io sinceramente ti consiglierei una bella fritturina di verdure, il sorbetto ha un piacevole effetto sgrassante quindi con la frittura va alla grande. Quando le tue zucchine e melanzane dell’orto sono pronte, prepara questo antipasto, porta tutto sulla terrazza e aspettami, due secondi e sono giu da te nel Salento…io e te partiamo con l’aperitivo e intanto Cosimo finisce di pescare gli ultimi ricci di mare!Che ne dici del piano? baci grandi a tutti e due.S&N

  • cec

    ah! l’estate…..un sogno lungo una vita…’anno abbiamo pure il cannizzo con la ventola, stile Caraibi…..VI ASPETTIAMO! col sorbetto in mano

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