Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2
The Olive picking team !
I have to be honest , Autumn really is my favorite season . In gastronomic terms everything i love to eat happens now. It starts with the ripe figs falling of the trees in September, then the grapes are ready on the vines , mushrooms appear as if [...]

Fettucie di Garofalo cooked with a Asti Spumante, saffron, goat cheese and white pepper.
It was 1960 when the local river last overflowed here in Orvieto, 52 years later the Paglia has burst its banks again and caused terrible damage , but just as then, people have proved to be courageous, united and ready to help each other. The people [...]

Our freshly picked olives
YES we managed ,it’s done. But let’s start from the beginning.
On Saturday morning by 9.30 am the mist had disappeared and warm sun shine welcomed our guests, twenty three altogether, consisting of 14 nice girls and a young professor all from the American school based here in Orvieto, 4 close [...]

Homemade ravioli served with a chesnut cream, crispy pancetta cubes and fresh rosemary
This morning, while taking what should have been be a brisk healthy walk , but was in fact a slow leisurely stroll with our lazy dog Lui, I came across three of our elderly neighbors who were busy harvesting their olives. [...]
A few of the children squashing the grapes into the container.
So many people came to help us with the harvest this year we just couldn`t believe it, again we are so grateful and send a big thank you to everybody for all your hard work.
But let’s start from the beginning : On Saturday [...]
Bruschetta figs, pecorino cheese, hazelunts and prosciutto.
With the great success of the ravioli dish I made the other day , I thought it would be a terrible shame not to use the same ingredients: figs, hazelnuts and Pecorino cheese for another recipe and came up with the idea of a FAST appetizer ,because [...]

bruschetta with tomatoes
Bruschetta with tomatoes is certainly one of those dishess that, I believe , represents Italy. Bruschetta seems like a simple thing to do, and in reality it is, but you must be extremely careful with a few things. 1: The bread must be Casareccio bread, baked in a wood oven, [...]
Bella Umbria
Fettucie di Garofalo cooked with a Asti Spumante, saffron, goat cheese and white pepper.
It was 1960 when the local river last overflowed here in Orvieto, 52 years later the Paglia has burst its banks again and caused terrible damage , but just as then, people have proved to be courageous, united and ready to help each other. The people [...]