Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Green Tagliatelle made with parsley served with a aubergine pesto
While on my morning run today I met Salvatore , a very fit 80 year old ,he was busy pruning his olive trees. Ciao -I said- would you mind if I bring my car later and load up with some of your cut olive branches for [...]

Supper Club
Here I am, I’m back. The holiday in Sardinia was SUPER fun but I will speak about this in the next post.
Now there’s no time. Yes, because since I came back I have not stopped cooking! This is a good thing for me, of course, but there is nothing more beautiful than [...]

There are many occasions and non occasions which call for a party at our house with lots of friends and family who are happy to join in like: harvest time, picking the olives, long weekends during summer and winter ,birthdays ,religious festivals ,in short any excuse. For us Italians there is [...]
CIAO , I’m back.
Did you miss me? I hope so….anyway , after a month of a relatively relaxing holiday, here I am again. August has been very productive. My vegetable garden has been generous this summer and demanded quite a lot of work…… MAMMA MIA. So let’s start: with [...]

I know you were worried ,I know you thought …well, what’s happened this week ,there are no zucchini in the blog????? I do not want to disappoint anyone so here they are. What’s more it’s a double version! WAHOOO. Considering also that my garden is at the moment in full production with [...]

crispy fried vegetable
Clearly all this time my zucchini continue to grow. I’ve already had enough to freeze a couple of bags , simply cut into cubes. With the others i made a new version of Parmigiana, in which I substituted eggplants for zucchini and have frozen these too. But, to my delight, in [...]
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