Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce
Yet another month has gone by since my last update on my online diary .
To maintain a technological life, isn’t always easy! Yes, to link onto the social networks, download my instanphotos and add a few words about my dishes, that is the easy [...]

Pigeon breast,figs and pancetta served it with fondue potato and sweet and sour shallots
After exactly 13 years of living in this beautiful corner of Umbria near Orvieto, I decided the time had come for me to master the cooking and eating of a local favourite, pigeon!
You must understand that for me ,originally a [...]

Pumking cheese cake
Some of you may remember a story we put on our blog a couple of years ago about Nick’s mum Jackie knitting vests for rescued battery chickens who had pulled their feathers out through stress and boredom.
Well the story has come home to roost !
Umbrian autumn views
As you know we [...]

Parmesan and black olives biscuits, topped with sweet and sour red onion and a pinch of thyme
To say my week started benissimo is an understatement , this is not just because the sun has finally decided to arrive in Umbria but mainly because this morning I had the pleasure and honor of cooking [...]

Chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh herbs wrap in DOP mortadella. Gentely sous vide cooked.
This year the vineyard has done very well, we have lots of big, beautiful grapes. The maturation is complete , so now it’s time, like every year, to harvest. In fact, even the wild boar have realized that our [...]

pork tenderloin baked in a salt crust
Hello, yes I am alive! To give you an idea of what has been happening here over the last few weeks, I’ve made a short list :
1. Preparing the soil for this summer’s vegetable garden ( very hard work with a rotovator , best left to Nick) [...]

Small knots of green paste made with parsley, filled with chestnut and ricotta cheese and served with Pioppini mushrooms .
A few weeks ago, on a beautiful Autumn afternoon ,we went to meet our good friend Fumo . He had kindly offered to introduce us to some other local people who kept goats. Our [...]

Red chilies from my vegetable garden
Ciao everyone, no I haven`t won the lottery and escaped to exotic horizons (I wish ) or been the typical Italian and when August came closed everything down to go on vacation for a month !!!!! Yes, yes if only…..although the second option is closer to reality….. I [...]

Supper Club
Here I am, I’m back. The holiday in Sardinia was SUPER fun but I will speak about this in the next post.
Now there’s no time. Yes, because since I came back I have not stopped cooking! This is a good thing for me, of course, but there is nothing more beautiful than [...]

cannoli with strawberries and ricotta cheese
Everyone knows that Italians really like to talk about two things: food and weather! I confirm this is true and then and to be on the same page, here I am complaining about the weather , but I am also speaking of a food delicacy which I am [...]
Come and pick just pick !
Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce
Yet another month has gone by since my last update on my online diary .
To maintain a technological life, isn’t always easy! Yes, to link onto the social networks, download my instanphotos and add a few words about my dishes, that is the easy [...]