Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce
Yet another month has gone by since my last update on my online diary .
To maintain a technological life, isn’t always easy! Yes, to link onto the social networks, download my instanphotos and add a few words about my dishes, that is the easy [...]

cooked wild garlic
As I have said before, Italians love to use two topics to start a conversation: the weather and food. To prove this point I want you to know that, first, here in Umbria, it`s finally pouring with rain and second , just before the start of this storm Nick and I were able to recognize and [...]

Green Tagliatelle made with parsley served with a aubergine pesto
While on my morning run today I met Salvatore , a very fit 80 year old ,he was busy pruning his olive trees. Ciao -I said- would you mind if I bring my car later and load up with some of your cut olive branches for [...]

red pepper sorbet
This last week has been really tough. More and more snow has meant we have been unable to interact with the outside world. It’s been 14 days where the snow has completely ruled our daily activities. But we`ve done very well and survived without killing each other ! (Happy S. Valentine’s day!)
We do [...]

Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni
Last night on the eve of my birthday, Nick asked me if I had any special wishes . Well, to tell you the truth, I did have one… Snow !!! And lots of it. That wish came true this morning. I couldn’t believe it , we opened the shutters [...]

Jackie's pumpking soup
This week has been once again full of activate . First off, we had the olives to pick . Two days of intensive labor . Thanks to our friends and family we managed to pick a bumper crop ( 450 kg ), which we hope when crushed will give us about [...]

Red chilies from my vegetable garden
Ciao everyone, no I haven`t won the lottery and escaped to exotic horizons (I wish ) or been the typical Italian and when August came closed everything down to go on vacation for a month !!!!! Yes, yes if only…..although the second option is closer to reality….. I [...]

Fusilli pasta , radicchio,walnuts and buffalo mozzarella
As I have already written a few months ago, this winter , for several reason, I didn’t do my vegetable garden. Not having prepared the ground in time, it would have been useless to plant winter vegetables. Unfortunately, we don’t have a green house so everything would [...]

crispy fried vegetable
Clearly all this time my zucchini continue to grow. I’ve already had enough to freeze a couple of bags , simply cut into cubes. With the others i made a new version of Parmigiana, in which I substituted eggplants for zucchini and have frozen these too. But, to my delight, in [...]

tonnarelli and green beans pesto
Time for green beans!! Even with these I think I have exaggerated. I planted 20 plants and so now I have to create some ‘recipes. Talking with the ladies of Allerona, just to be safe, I have checked a bit ‘about the possibility of freezing some of the beans, [...]

Scusate, I apologize . When I started this blog, I thought to share the joys of living in the country with you, but unfortunately there is another side to the coin … .. the ingredients in the kitchen are almost always decided by what’s in season. So ladies and gentleman, today for your [...]

stuffed zucchini
Zucchini, eggplant and stuffed tomatoes are dishes that are used often in Mediterranean cooking. I had the pleasure of eating zucchini and stuffed tomatoes in Greece and I must say that they were very good . Now this is a recipe that, like many others in my blog came to me, passed [...]

spinach and smoked tuna terrine
It ‘s spinach time! The spinach harvest in my garden was excellent. Although I had the same problem I have with the salad … .. they’re all ready at the same time! But this is not a big problem, because the beauty of spinach is that you can also [...]

carciofi alla romana
Fourth row of the vineyard, another 3 artichokes ready to be picked! So to continue on the theme of missing Rome, I thought to do even the artichokes in the Roman way, Carciofi alla romana. In this way, even if spread out over several days, I had a full Roman meal. Stuffed Zucchini flowers [...]

zucchini flowers
This dish I could not live without . I have spoken to you before about these delicious zucchini flowers cook in the Roman way. Now that my vegetable garden is filled with zucchini , I think it’s the right time to do it. Each region has it’s own way to cook [...]
Come and pick just pick !
Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce
Yet another month has gone by since my last update on my online diary .
To maintain a technological life, isn’t always easy! Yes, to link onto the social networks, download my instanphotos and add a few words about my dishes, that is the easy [...]