Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Back home in Umbria, having fun with Hilda the goat !
We arrived in New York a little tired, but very excited about exploring this incredible city. Luckily, we have some very dear friends living there , who dropped everything in order to show us the sites and take us to some great restaurants. [...]

Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce
Yet another month has gone by since my last update on my online diary .
To maintain a technological life, isn’t always easy! Yes, to link onto the social networks, download my instanphotos and add a few words about my dishes, that is the easy [...]

Our freshly picked olives
YES we managed ,it’s done. But let’s start from the beginning.
On Saturday morning by 9.30 am the mist had disappeared and warm sun shine welcomed our guests, twenty three altogether, consisting of 14 nice girls and a young professor all from the American school based here in Orvieto, 4 close [...]

Paccheri with Amatriciana fish
Once upon a time in the hills of Umbria there was a “young” lady called Simona who every springtime worked very hard on her land preparing it for her vegetable plants .This year she planted many things including: 6 cucumbers plants, 10 zucchini 9 eggplants and 80 tomato plants. She [...]

“We are a group of girls” she said ,” do you think we could come to you for a cooking class?” Victoria was the girl I meet first by email ,her job was to organize this BIG cooking class for 24 girls from the UK,Hong Kong, New York, Austrailia, Dubai and Sweden!! “We are [...]

Crispy fillet of bass cooked with almonds and crunchy walnuts , black olives and raisins. Served with escarole
Imagine my surprise when yesterday, strolling in my vegetable garden I found a couple of vegetables that had survived all the winter snow and frost that we had had less then a month ago, roman cauliflowers a [...]

Red chilies from my vegetable garden
Ciao everyone, no I haven`t won the lottery and escaped to exotic horizons (I wish ) or been the typical Italian and when August came closed everything down to go on vacation for a month !!!!! Yes, yes if only…..although the second option is closer to reality….. I [...]

White onion filled with fresh anchovies , cod fish , garlic and parsley
A lot of things have happened in the last few days so I just haven`t had time to put pen to paper …..but I thought it`s only fair to keep you up to date with what’s been going on up in [...]

Pancetta parcels with aspargus and goat cheese
This morning I woke up feeling full of energy and thought today I must spend some “quality time” in my beloved vegetable garden! The tomato and cucumber plants have grown so much they need to be staked for support. Clearly, the soil needed be dug to [...]
CIAO , I’m back.
Did you miss me? I hope so….anyway , after a month of a relatively relaxing holiday, here I am again. August has been very productive. My vegetable garden has been generous this summer and demanded quite a lot of work…… MAMMA MIA. So let’s start: with [...]

zucchini flowers
This dish I could not live without . I have spoken to you before about these delicious zucchini flowers cook in the Roman way. Now that my vegetable garden is filled with zucchini , I think it’s the right time to do it. Each region has it’s own way to cook [...]

lamb fry in read crumbs
my vegetable garden
This weekend we had a really fantastic one and a half days. Weather was wonderful and I began to plant the first things in the vegetable garden. The program was also to have a barbecue in the garden and cook the lamb that my mother had [...]
A fantastic time, so far ...
Back home in Umbria, having fun with Hilda the goat !
We arrived in New York a little tired, but very excited about exploring this incredible city. Luckily, we have some very dear friends living there , who dropped everything in order to show us the sites and take us to some great restaurants. [...]