Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Freshly picked mushrooms
With winter closing in and the days getting much shorter , i feel i must get a move on and finish all the jobs we had planned for this year . Windows still to be varnished, chimneys to be cleaned and now a new wood burning heater to be fitted . [...]

Handmade sausage, served on a white bean truffle puree and Porcini mushrooms
“Ciao Simona,”said my friend Eva “ unfortunately today we have to slaughter one of our pigs, and I`m just calling to ask if you would like to come over on Sunday afternoon to help us make some sausages?”…………………..
Well that`s how it all [...]

Wild mushrooms risotto
NO BUONO. At the end, we had to cancel the olive harvest!
After spending days and days with our ears pinned to the radio listening to the scary weather forecasts for the olive picking weekend, it seemed we only had two sensible options (1) would be to build a Noah’s ark or [...]

Chestnut gnocchi and Porcini mushrooms sauce
For generations in the old trattories of Rome, the Thursday menu is dedicated to Gnocchi pasta. I grew up with the saying: gnocchi Thursday !
So , after discovering that even here in Umbria , Thursday is the day for Gnocchi , I thought it was necessary to understand [...]

Porcini mushrooms fry.
We drove an eight hour round trip from Umbria to Abruzzo. The olive harvest was good, my parents produced 58 liters of EVO oil. MAMMA MIA with all this olive oil we could probably shower in it! Nick and I also received a wonderful gift … 2 young Ascolana Olive trees! [...]
walnuts pesto and Porcini
O.k , now for my second recipe with walnuts, this time I used 5 ..Wahoo. I tell you, It’s not going to be easy to get through all these nuts. Anyway , for this recipe I decided to combine a walnut pesto ( I know I’m pesto crazy) with [...]

finger food of Porcini mushrooms
Welcome to the country! On Sunday me and Nick went to the forest to look for mushrooms. The forests of Italy are slowly becoming repopulated with Bears ,Wolves and thousands of mushroom pickers . Every mushroom picker has his or her favorite secret location. The competition is fierce. The prize [...]

white lasagna
This weekend, we had friends staying with us, two Italians, 1 English and 1 Irish . They came for the aperitivo and we enjoyed the evening outside in the garden . Yes, because the sun has finally arrived, it’s hot! So thinking about this combination of guests I thought it could be [...]

buffalo and truffle
Maybe it’s because I’m in a good mood, it maybe all the sun and the smell of summer, it can also be because our aperitif at 7:00 pm in the winter time , has now become an aperitif of 8:00 pm, and more importantly we can also drink it in the [...]
Work in progress !
Freshly picked mushrooms
With winter closing in and the days getting much shorter , i feel i must get a move on and finish all the jobs we had planned for this year . Windows still to be varnished, chimneys to be cleaned and now a new wood burning heater to be fitted . [...]