Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Pork Tenderloin rapped in pancetta and a mushroom paste
More than 18 years ago Nick and I married in a tiny Chapel just outside Rome. As some of you may [...]
Cooking Class in the Sagraincasa kitchen
Only one month to our departure for the United States of America.
I know I`m becoming a bore but I`m so excited and looking forward to it that every time I have the opportunity, I cannot resist bombarding anyone with even a little knowledge of the places we will [...]

Homemade ravioli stuffed with pumpkin and Saronno amaretti biscuits, served with butter and sage sauce
It’s November and normally we are preparing for our annual olive harvest . Some friends have already sent emails asking to join us and the students from the University of Arizona in Orvieto say they are full of energy, [...]

Homemade Pappardelle fresh pasta served with Ragù alla Bolognese
A few days ago on my Sagraincasa Face Book page and on Twitter I announced what for me was very exciting and great news “ the Umbrian country girl chef will arrive to work in London this February “ . Mamma Mia, the positive responses [...]

Pigeon breast,figs and pancetta served it with fondue potato and sweet and sour shallots
After exactly 13 years of living in this beautiful corner of Umbria near Orvieto, I decided the time had come for me to master the cooking and eating of a local favourite, pigeon!
You must understand that for me ,originally a [...]

Freshly picked mushrooms
With winter closing in and the days getting much shorter , i feel i must get a move on and finish all the jobs we had planned for this year . Windows still to be varnished, chimneys to be cleaned and now a new wood burning heater to be fitted . [...]

Pumking cheese cake
Some of you may remember a story we put on our blog a couple of years ago about Nick’s mum Jackie knitting vests for rescued battery chickens who had pulled their feathers out through stress and boredom.
Well the story has come home to roost !
Umbrian autumn views
As you know we [...]

Parmesan and black olives biscuits, topped with sweet and sour red onion and a pinch of thyme
To say my week started benissimo is an understatement , this is not just because the sun has finally decided to arrive in Umbria but mainly because this morning I had the pleasure and honor of cooking [...]

Homemade Ravioli filled with a jelly pecorino cheese and served with broad beans, drops of honey and a crunchy corn pastry
In the middle of last week I discovered that a big and important exhibition / display was to be held at the weekend in a village near us. This was to be a [...]

Lamb with artichoke drops
How is your winter going? Here in Umbria the weather is fairly good , yes days are wet and gray but we can’t really complain after all it is still winter, right?
These months, when you live in the countryside, are always very slow and boring. Each day starts with taking [...]

Chocolate tagliatelle pasta served with a spicy wild board sauce
After about three months the hunting season is now almost over and most of the Allerona’s hunters will have their freezers full of wild boar meat and jugs of sauces to go with this meat have been prepared and are [...]

Last weekend Orvieto hosted a big event called “OFF” (Orvieto Food Festival ). It was advertised everywhere, even in the Vanity Far and Style Magazine! The idea was for Orvieto to show to as many people as possible all the good food and wine that is produced here. Along with tours, wine tasting and lots [...]

Spaghetti from Gragnano cooked in Amalfi’s lemon zest, fresh squid and Bottarga
It’s official, the summer is over I’m not saying this because the constant forty degrees temperature has finally dropped here in Umbria, nor do I say this because there is ONE cloud in the sky, but because Ladies and Gentlemen, the swimming pool in Allerona [...]

Wild fennel foam and Baccalà
Ciao thought I’d keep you updated on a few things that are happening here in Umbria and specifically in my little farm house.
Firstly ,after having to deprive our goat Hilda of the company of two out of three of her room mates ( the chickens ), we decided to take on another two chicks [...]

“We are a group of girls” she said ,” do you think we could come to you for a cooking class?” Victoria was the girl I meet first by email ,her job was to organize this BIG cooking class for 24 girls from the UK,Hong Kong, New York, Austrailia, Dubai and Sweden!! “We are [...]
Come fly with me..
Cooking Class in the Sagraincasa kitchen
Only one month to our departure for the United States of America.
I know I`m becoming a bore but I`m so excited and looking forward to it that every time I have the opportunity, I cannot resist bombarding anyone with even a little knowledge of the places we will [...]