Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Pleased to be home
A week or so ago on a sunny morning I left my lovely farmhouse in Umbria and flew to London. There I joined my good friend Lorna to take part in what was for us a new venture . It involved running a number of Pop Up Cookery Classes at [...]

Handmade sausage, served on a white bean truffle puree and Porcini mushrooms
“Ciao Simona,”said my friend Eva “ unfortunately today we have to slaughter one of our pigs, and I`m just calling to ask if you would like to come over on Sunday afternoon to help us make some sausages?”…………………..
Well that`s how it all [...]

Lamb with artichoke drops
How is your winter going? Here in Umbria the weather is fairly good , yes days are wet and gray but we can’t really complain after all it is still winter, right?
These months, when you live in the countryside, are always very slow and boring. Each day starts with taking [...]

Monlus 70% dark chocolate served on English custard and hazelnuts.
Last week I was contacted by a Wine Cellar that produces fantastic wines in this area. They asked me if I could /would create a menu where each course would combine with and compliment their wines ,from the aperitif to the dessert. What a wonderful challenge, I was so pleased and honoured [...]

Mediterranean Octopus salad
As we all know this week was Halloween . It’s not something that we really celebrate in Italy , but more recently all the kids seem to be very into it . I suppose it’s the chance to dress up and threaten your neighbors with untold mischief, if they don’t pay [...]

Nigella Lawson's Chocolate pasta with Pecans & Caramel
A few days ago I was contacted by a Daily Mail journalist, her name was Jan and she was calling from London. She had this idea to organize a culinary day in my kitchen here in Umbria with myself and a local housewife/ nonna (nana),cooking 8 [...]

Red chilies from my vegetable garden
Ciao everyone, no I haven`t won the lottery and escaped to exotic horizons (I wish ) or been the typical Italian and when August came closed everything down to go on vacation for a month !!!!! Yes, yes if only…..although the second option is closer to reality….. I [...]

Foam of coffee with dark chocolate .
After spending the afternoon in Rome demonstrating against that wolf Berlusconi , I returned home. Nick calmly told me what had been happening around here. Apparently , we had our own wolf problem going on. Our neighbors had seen two big wolves running around at the end [...]

pancetta salad
Each year I make the same mistake! When it’s time to plant in the vegetable garden, I am so pleased that I put all the salad in one day. The result is that when the salad is ready, IT ‘S ALL READY AT THE SAME TIME! And then….. we find ourselves eating [...]

prosciutto e melone
I am one of those people who eat the ham but leaves the melon. … you’re probably thinking , what’s the point of putting it on the blog if I never eat it! So here it is, it’s the Antipasto that Italians go crazy for….! Prosciutto and melon is prepared in [...]
Pleased to be home
A week or so ago on a sunny morning I left my lovely farmhouse in Umbria and flew to London. There I joined my good friend Lorna to take part in what was for us a new venture . It involved running a number of Pop Up Cookery Classes at [...]