Tomato Passata sauce, part 1
Tomato Passata sauce, part 2
The Olive picking team !
I have to be honest , Autumn really is my favorite season . In gastronomic terms everything i love to eat happens now. It starts with the ripe figs falling of the trees in September, then the grapes are ready on the vines , mushrooms appear as if [...]

Pine nuts and Gorzonzola cheese Zucchini parcel
Yet another month has passed and even though we live in the middle of nowhere, it is unbelievable the number of people who have passed thro my kitchen in the last few months. They all came to share the same passion for Italian food. Absolutely fantastic!
I have met many [...]

Back home in Umbria, having fun with Hilda the goat !
We arrived in New York a little tired, but very excited about exploring this incredible city. Luckily, we have some very dear friends living there , who dropped everything in order to show us the sites and take us to some great restaurants. [...]

Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce
Yet another month has gone by since my last update on my online diary .
To maintain a technological life, isn’t always easy! Yes, to link onto the social networks, download my instanphotos and add a few words about my dishes, that is the easy [...]

Spaghetti alle vongole
Yesterday morning I was woken up very early with a cup of fantastic dark coffee and a wonderful gift next to my pillow .There were two reasons for this, first it was very early because I had a busy and exciting day ahead of me and the second reason IT WAS [...]

Homemade Pappardelle fresh pasta served with Ragù alla Bolognese
A few days ago on my Sagraincasa Face Book page and on Twitter I announced what for me was very exciting and great news “ the Umbrian country girl chef will arrive to work in London this February “ . Mamma Mia, the positive responses [...]

Vendemmia 2013 Menu
Friday the 27th , our chosen day, dawned bright and sunny. The sky was clear and the September sunlight was warm and generous. “Una bellissima giornata”( a beautiful day).
Even so, having 28 people turn up to help us with our harvest was incredible . They included the young students from the [...]

Homemade Ravioli filled with a jelly pecorino cheese and served with broad beans, drops of honey and a crunchy corn pastry
In the middle of last week I discovered that a big and important exhibition / display was to be held at the weekend in a village near us. This was to be a [...]

Homemade ravioli served with a chesnut cream, crispy pancetta cubes and fresh rosemary
This morning, while taking what should have been be a brisk healthy walk , but was in fact a slow leisurely stroll with our lazy dog Lui, I came across three of our elderly neighbors who were busy harvesting their olives. [...]

Homemade olive ascolane
For the farmers around Orvieto , the situation is serious this year. To start with although the vines produced excellent grapes that were full of sugar, unfortunately there was far less of them and the overall harvest in the area was reduced by almost 40%. Now, we are coming up to [...]

They came from everywhere, America ,Ireland ,Israel, the Uk ,Brazil ,Italy and even Columbia to answer a call for help. Their destination was Allerona and their task ,to pick 4 tons of grapes .
It was the fastest harvests we’ve ever done!
Saturday morning in our vineyard in Umbria, Allerona , there [...]

Egg Carbonara
This morning was my turn to be first out of bed . I set the animals free , fed the cats and let Lui out . Then I started the kitchen fire and brought a cappuccino to Nick who was waiting in bed. Yes, my Birthday is well and truly over. All [...]

Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni
Last night on the eve of my birthday, Nick asked me if I had any special wishes . Well, to tell you the truth, I did have one… Snow !!! And lots of it. That wish came true this morning. I couldn’t believe it , we opened the shutters [...]

Small knots of green paste made with parsley, filled with chestnut and ricotta cheese and served with Pioppini mushrooms .
A few weeks ago, on a beautiful Autumn afternoon ,we went to meet our good friend Fumo . He had kindly offered to introduce us to some other local people who kept goats. Our [...]

Ravioli filled with pumpkin, ricotta cheese amaretti biscuits and nutmeg, served in butter and sage
I am very sorry if you have been worrying about what has happened to me but the last week has been very hectic ( no we haven’t left the hand brake off the car again and no there hasn’t [...]
Fame at last !
Pine nuts and Gorzonzola cheese Zucchini parcel
Yet another month has passed and even though we live in the middle of nowhere, it is unbelievable the number of people who have passed thro my kitchen in the last few months. They all came to share the same passion for Italian food. Absolutely fantastic!
I have met many [...]