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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

A week to go and I haven't a clue!

Scamorza,zucchini and ham parcel.


Only a week to go and all the magazines, food  programs and  blogs are full of Christmas recipes . The perfect appetizer, the perfect turkey, Christmas cake … …. what to say …. certainly there is no shortage of suggestions.  Honestly me, I still haven’t got a clue what my Christmas menu will be.

  Family and friends will be here to celebrate  with us. I am very happy about that, even so, I am a bit worried.  Will our city guests, be able to survive the freezing temperatures waiting for them  in our home, sweet home. Three fireplaces, heaters on, thermal blankets on the bed and Nick and I still going around  with two pairs of socks and a  woolen hat! Welcome to the country in December.
However, I have a plan. Make sure that everyone is very active, a little movement around the kitchen will warm their bodies. What I mean is I’ll need to invent a menu where every ones  involved . Yes enough, enough with these traditional meals where the whole big Italian family is sitting around the table, waiting to be served. Participation, interaction with food, movement, all facilitated with a good wine to quench their thirst.

 Mamma mia, poor them, they do not know what awaits them…..and it isn’t Father Christmas!
While I’m here thinking of this Action Christmas Party Menu, I wanted to introduce  you to my parcels of smoked cheese, ham and zucchini. Excellent as a starter but also perfect for a quick lunch. Good all year round .  I know, I’m not so in tune with Christmas traditional recipes, but there’s still a week to go, right?

Ingredients for 8 parcels
2 sheets filo pastry
1 smoked Scamorza cheese
4 slices Prosciutto ham
2 zucchini
A handful of parsley, finely chopped
5 mint leaves finely chopped
½ garlic clove, crushed
½ cup Evo  oil
 How it works:

Cut the zucchini length-wise, using the potato peeler. You’ll need 16 slices of zucchini. Combine in a bowl Evo oil, parsley, garlic, mint and pepper, mix well. Marinate the zucchini slices  with some of the aromatic Evo oil . Allow to marinate for a few minutes. Cut the Scamorza cheese  into 8 cubes, set aside. Cut the prosciutto slices in half. Roll the prosciutto around the 8 cubes of cheese. Divide into 4 rectangles each sheet of filo pastry . Using aromatic Evo oil brush edges of each rectangle. At the center of each rectangle, place in a cross shape two slices of zucchini and in the middle of it , place the cube of cheese and ham . Then cover the top of the cheese with the four edges of zucchini.
Close and fold each rectangle of filo pastry, brush aromatic Evo oil all the way around the parcels  ones closed. Grill for 10 minutes, until golden and crispy .

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