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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Wish I had a magic wand.

Linguine goats cheese ,spring onios and walnuts.


Hello, the week has only just began, and already I am looking forward to the weekend! But let me start from beginning. Once upon a time……. in 2001 Nick and I  bought this derelict house in the countryside The roof needed  to be replaced, the bathroom was non-existent, there were no windows and doors plus in one of the rooms the floor had collapsed The pigeons were the last known inhabitants. This is a very light description of the state of the upper floor of the house. Below ,there were  two stables and a small chicken coop all in the same if not worse condition.

So after having fixed the roof and built the bathroom, for the first year we lived in a large room where there was a big fireplace , using two camp beds,burning anything we could find and wearing many sweaters to keep warm day and night ,we began our adventure in the country.

That was 10 years ago, so now it is with great satisfaction Nick and I look at our home and are so happy to have made ​​that choice years ago. Every wall, every stone, every pile of wood inside the house was cleaned, treated and painted by us. But unfortunately this was all done years and years ago and now we finally have to admit the wear and tear is beginning to show…. and so guess what, we have decided to spend this coming week  …. yes  you`ve guessed it?  repainting every wall, treating every pile of wood and restoring windows , doors and shutters   … … … I think to call it spring cleaning is a bit  of an understatement !???? Don’t you ? O MAMMA MIA  and today is only TUESDAY!!

Anyway yesterday, after spending the day just organizing the BIG job we had this very nice plate of Linguine pasta cooked with goats cheese , spring onions and walnuts! Quick to prepare and easy to cook, I suggest you give it a try it even if you don`t have a week planned like mine.  Ciao

Serves 2

200 grams linguine pasta

1spring onion finely chopped

150 grams of soft goat cheese

A handful of chopped walnuts

A handful of finely chopped chives

Evo oil

Salt and pepper

Here’s how: In a pan cook Evo oil and spring onion until soft. Cook and drain pasta when really al dente. Set aside two cups of water from cooked pasta. Return the pasta to the pan and add one of the cups of water , continue cooking. Stir continuously. If necessary add second cup of water. When pasta is almost cooked add the cheese, 1 / 3 rd of the nuts, 1 / 3rd of the chives, salt and lot’s of pepper. Continue to stir. Serve with the rest of the walnuts and chives.

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