Tortelloni filled with Buffalo mozzarella foam , served with Broccoli cream ,a dash of sun dried tomatoes and fresh anchovies paste .
I wish I could say that I made this Tortelloni dish using only the eggs laid by our new chickens! Unfortunately that`s not the case. But let’s start from the beginning.
As I had mentioned a few post before, we had decided to take on 2 hens and 2 chickens (just to start) as playmates for our goat … Hilda. I know what you are thinking——-but please don`t tell me , this goat story never ends!?? However, the new roommates have arrived.
We heard all the stories from the locals regarding foxes and even martens and how predatory killers could be with chickens ,so armed with a lot of patience and determination Nick decided to improve the room where our new guests would be staying. Solid wooden door, wooden table strewn with lovely clean hay as a bed, food, water and a basket, in the hope that they would decide to lay eggs exactly there and not all over the place so we couldn`t find them. In short, what can I say… Better than a 7-star hotel!
Unfortunately, by the second day the hotel room was in a real state, littered with chicken poo , yes because my friend, chickens are very messy with this function, I think even the poor goat was shocked .
However, we pressed on ,opening the door early in the morning so the chickens can roam around freely enjoying their new home, and closing the door before it reaches the dark so they will be safe… and then finally .. yesterday I found the first egg!! and in the basket !!!!!!!
We were so very happy ,though you are a bit limited with what you can do with only one egg. So after some consideration I decided to add my lonely egg to the 6 that Elena, my neighbor with a lot of productive chickens, had kindly given me few days earlier.
Using seven eggs in total and fresh broccoli picked from my vegetable garden I have prepared this new dish. Homemade Tortelloni filled with Buffalo mozzarella foam , served with Broccoli cream ,a dash of sun dried tomatoes and fresh anchovies paste . Finished with toasted black sesame for a crispy taste. Ok I know , I did buy few ingredients, but I tell you what…..WE ARE NOT EVER PLANNING TO BUY A BUFFALO COW so let’s leave it like that! eh
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