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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

A holiday is always a holiday!!

chocolate ice cream with a cappuccino cream



So , let’s talk about the weather again . After the spring coming in like a Lion ,it’s definitely going out like a Lamb. I was so ready for the summer that I decided to make some ice-cream. Always the optimist…. Because of the unusual warmth before , we decided to not order any more wood to keep our fires going and I started to put all my winter cloths in the attic . Big mistake.

Even tonight , we are trying to decide whether to put the heating on or climb back into the attic and get some jumpers down. Sounds easy , but climbing into our attic is a death defying act . pitched high above the staircase we need a ladder and a piece of rope tied around my waist . I say my waist because Nick refuses to go up there. Like a trapeze artist I climb the  ladder saying “ have you got me “ , only to look down and see he’s texting a friend!!

Anyway , with all the rain we’ve been having , I have to say that these green hills of Umbria are looking more beautiful than ever. Thankfully , the vegetable garden is already starting to grow and the vineyards are flourishing.




Allerona village



Tomorrow is a bank holiday in Italy and the forecast is a little bit of sun . So ,  rain or shine  , we will be eating ice-cream in the garden… After all , a holiday is always a holiday !!

1 comment to A holiday is always a holiday!!

  • jackie

    loved the story and the photos were really beautiful. What you need are storage bags that fit under the bed either that or take Nicks mobile away.

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