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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Lost in Umbria!

lamb chop with wild fennel and caramelized lemon

Hello, how are you? Everything is good here. The sun is hot and the hills are deep green. Amazing, the month of May is definitely the best time of the year for the countryside. An explosion of colors and scents. It puts me in good spirits and after a day divided between pans and hoe, I can finally enjoy an aperitif outside. The time of the fire place is finished!

Speaking of cocktails and  wine ……. at the end of the month I will have to take the exam for the second level of my sommelier course. Remember the course that I am doing in Orvieto? Well this second level is really hard for me! I need to remember ALL the different types of grape and the regions they come from in Italian . Plus we have also moved onto French wines ,so I need to do the same there too.  I was never very good at geography at school, I can’t even read an Italian map very well….so at the moment I`m completely lost!!!  But I will try…( somewhere I`ve still got a globe lamp…bought for me by my parents when I was little …maybe I’ll get it out!)

Anyway, in the meantime , as part of my dedication to study ,yesterday me ,nick and a few friends visited the Palazzone wine cantina for a tasting tour.

Palazzone Estate


Wow , what a beautiful place. Set amongst rolling hills covered with vines and forest , we strolled around the grounds for 1 hours and the returned to main house for the serious business of tasting .

Touring the Palazzone wine estate


Palazzone di Rocca Ripesena


All in all ,we tried six different wines and had the good fortune of having the bottles left on our table at the end  of each round. No need to mention we were quiet tipsy when we left.

My friend Rita and me ... studying very hard!


Me looking very serious


On arrival at home we were startled by a beautiful white horse running across are path.  We both looked at each other and thought the same thing “ how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful place!

A beautiful encounter


Here is a little recipe for an Umbrian Lamb chop , which I hope you’ll enjoy .ciao

Recipe when I come back from running………………

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