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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Short but Sweet

Rabbit cooked in red wine and prunes



Coming out from a routine is what a good break is all about .  Waking up and realizing that it isn’t your turn to make a cappuccino,  feed the chickens ,  cats, dog or goat is what I call a HOLIDAY.

Short but sweet: we had a couple of  days in La Valletta, the Maltese capital . Walking around the center, Nick was attracted to old shop fronts and me busy in a beautiful vintage cloths shop Blush&Panic! We enjoyed two fantastic meals whilst there , but  the one that Stole my heart was at the GUZE bistro . We loved it! It Wasn’t just about great food , good wine and really friendly service in a romantic location. The point was that during the evening we realized we had only eaten out  three times together this year  !!!!!!!!!!!!! SO FAR  I LOVED MY HOLIDAY.





The morning  after  we  took a short boat trip to Gozo , Malta’s sister island. Nick did a lot of research about this place and I must say he did a good job! We had three beautiful days  by a lovely bay , where  we swam  in the deep blue water and toured the island on the local busses .  Nick was sure there would be sharks and was delighted when he saw a fin bopping up and down far out to sea . I assured him it was more likely to be a Dolphin , but after that I did notice he was a little more hesitant about jumping in .





During our stay we managed to try a few local dishes , including a very tasty rabbit .   Rabbit is very popular there and  cooked in a variety of ways . The one we particularly liked  was gently cooked in red wine with prunes. Simple and delicious. It was so good that the day after we came home , suffering from a little post holiday blues , I decided to cheer myself up and give it a go. I must say, it really did the trick .

So , here we are  , refreshed and revitalized , back in the Umbrian hills . Today wasn’t my turn to make the cappuccino , but it was to feed all the animals. As they gathered round for their breakfast , the sun shining and the scent of autumn in the air  , I thought to myself, how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place !!!!Ciao.

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