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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Ready for action!!

Lasagna shape pasta with tin sardines and fresh fennel



After almost ten days I am finally feeling better. I’ve had a bad dose of flu, but for this year ,at least, it’s over. That’s because ( fingers crossed), I happen to be sick only once a year and when it happens it is always such a nightmare for Nick,( so he says). Poor man, he has to do everything (so he says) …… anyway, I’m ready for action now.

I have a thousand ideas flying through my head, I want to try new recipes, I have seeds and seedlings to put in my vegetable garden, I want to test a couple of new wines from the area and create a couple of nice menus for my next customer … Definitely … ready for action, Infact, I feel so positive that yesterday when I realized that the fridge was completely empty (WHY), I decided to create this lasagna shape pasta using tin sardines, fresh fennel (collected in the garden) and the juice of half a lemon (I found at the bottom of the vegetable box under lots of garlic and onions). The result was superb, a few ingredients are enough to create a good dish, the important thing is to put love and enjoyment into creating it!
Outside the garden is really beautiful, poppies and flowers are everywhere ( although the grass hasn’t been cut….it must be so happy I’ve been ill), the hills are deep green and the air is fresh and clean. Today I have finished taking the antibiotics so I think by tomorrow I can enjoy my first glass of wine at sunset…… I love it all, spring is here and I’m ready for it! Ciao from Umbria.

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