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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Lucky girl

ravioli with baccalà and tomatos


Believe me I’m not obsessed with Baccalà , but going to the market in Orvieto, I saw the fish counter and I found the Baccalà  already soaked. Really lucky. In that way I could use it  without having to leave it in water for 12 hours .. not bad. At this point I thought that considering the luck I had to do something special with this fish, and here’s the idea!  Ravioli filled with Baccalà. I think with this pasta dish  the best thing was to prepare a quick and easy sauce using grilled cherry tomatoes with a simple dressing of extra virgin olive oil, garlic, pepper and salt. It went very well and between you and me I have also frozen a dozen of the ravioli, for next time… really smart … ..

Serves 6
200 grams of Baccalà
3 eggs
400 grams of flour
Water as needed
500 grams cherry tomatoes
Evo Oil
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper
Chopped parsley
How it works:
Boil the Baccalà. When cooked, with a fork, mash it with a handful of chopped parsley. Prepare the dough with flour, water, eggs, a dash of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Knead by hand and use a machine for preparing pasta sheets .Place the Baccala in tea spoon portions onto a sheet of the pasta. Cover the Baccala with another sheet of pasta and cut into the ravioli shapes. In the oven for 15 minutes grill the tomatoes, half of them cut in half and the rest left whole. Season with plenty of olive oil, 1 clove of garlic ,salt and pepper. Cook the ravioli, drain the pasta and serve with the grilled tomatoes. Sprinkle with fresh parsley.

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