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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2


The Olive picking team !


I have to be honest , Autumn really is my favorite season . In gastronomic terms everything i love to eat happens now. It starts with the ripe figs falling of the trees in September, then the grapes are ready on the vines , mushrooms appear as if from nowhere and for meat lovers the hunting season starts. All of this foody activity comes to an end with the olive harvest  to make olive oil .
Locally it’s one of the most important events of the year and everybody is super content when it’s been completed  successfully   . The fact that up to 80 % of last year’s  Italian olive harvest was destroyed  by a fruit fly infestation, had made everyone extremely worried about this year . It was a national disaster and most of our neighbors had no olives to pick , including us.
It seems that thanks to an extremely hot summer , last years woes are over and this years Olive Oil is extremely good. Infact, most of our trees were brimming with Olives . This left us with no choice ,but to call in the help of the fabulous students from the University Abroad of Arizona and Kansas in Orvieto.
These guys are amazing , non of them had picked olives before , but after a quick demonstration , they were straight down to work . It was a lovely day ,the sun was shinning, the atmosphere relaxed and by lunch time they had picked 440 kg of olives . Not bad ! Not bad at all .
Thanks again to everyone for all your help , it’s been a wonderful Autumn so far .

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

All pictures by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish

Olive picking in Umbria, pics by Nick Cornish


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