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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Heaven on earth

zucchini flowers

This dish I could not live without  . I have spoken to you before about these delicious zucchini flowers cook in the  Roman way. Now that my vegetable garden is filled with zucchini , I think it’s the right time to do it. Each region has it’s own way to cook them ( in Umbria they are cooked in batter but without anchovies and mozzarella inside) ,but  I’ve prepared them in the Roman way, which to be honest I think is  best way to eat them .  I would say that to bite into these yellow crispy clouds and then have the surprise of the soft melted  mozzarella  with a pinch of salty fish from the  anchovy … … ….


Well, that’s heaven on earth! So here there are.

Serves 4
8 zucchini flowers 
4 anchovies
8 cherry mozzarella (or mozzarella 1)
4 tbsp flour 00
2 tablespoons cornflour
10 grams of fresh yeast
Oil for frying
How it works:
Prepare the batter: combine the two type of flour and add the yeast dissolved in little hot water. Add more water, a pinch of salt and mix well. The consistency should be like a cream, but not too dense. Stir until no lumps are left. Cover with a cloth and let stand 30 minutes in a warm place. Clean the zucchini flowers, removing the inner stalk. Fill each flower with a ball of cherry mozzarella (or a piece of mozzarella) and ½ an  anchovy. With your hands close the tip of the zucchini flower . Dip one flower at a time into batter and fry in hot oil. For one minute. Dry with paper towels. Serve hot. 

5 comments to Heaven on earth

  • lara

    I’m agree that the Roman way is the best!!!!!

  • Anna Lapping

    These are not popular in the US, and I always hesitate to use the flowers in case they’re needed for pollination. You use the male flowers only I imagine. Can you use the flowers of other squash in the same way?

  • Hello Anna and welcome . About the zucchini flowers, you use only the male from the plant. As for other species of squash I do not know because I havn’t used them.
    Thank you for reading my blog.

  • Alice D

    OMG!! I remember tasting these for the first time when I lived in Rome and they were amazing! Thank you for the recipe, I’m going to give them a go!

  • Thank you, let me know how they come out.

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