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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

We eat more than the boys !!

Peach Panna cotta

Peach Panna cotta



People can be amazing, in just a few days we had more than a dozen volunteers all wanting to come and help us with our grape harvest, we really cannot thank you all enough for such a fantastic response.
Some of the girls wishing to take part in the harvest decided, along with [...]

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The proof is in the eating.

Nigella Lawson's Chocolate pasta with Pecans & Caramel

Nigella Lawson's Chocolate pasta with Pecans & Caramel



A few days ago I was contacted by a Daily Mail journalist, her name was  Jan and she was calling from  London.  She had this idea to organize a culinary day in my kitchen here in Umbria with myself and a local housewife/ nonna (nana),cooking  8 [...]

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Not guilty.

cooked wild garlic

cooked wild garlic



As I have said before, Italians love to use two topics to start a conversation:  the weather and food. To prove this point  I want you to know that, first, here in Umbria, it`s finally pouring with rain and second , just before the start of this storm Nick and I were able to recognize and [...]

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Look out ,Orvieto!





“We are a group of girls” she said ,” do you think we could come to you for a cooking class?” Victoria was the girl I meet first by email ,her job was to organize this BIG cooking class for 24 girls from the UK,Hong Kong, New York, Austrailia, Dubai and Sweden!! “We are [...]

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Let’s take it Slow.

Mazzafegato and Lentils soup

Mazzafegato and Lentils soup



Encouraged by the enthusiasm ,curiosity and the desire to test and learn everything ,shown by the new group of students from the Culinary Institute of America ,I decided to introduce them to some of the typical produce of areas protected by THE SLOW FOOD ASSOCIATION.  Promoted as an alternative to fast food, [...]

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What a survivor!

Crispy fillet of bass cooked with almonds and crunchy walnuts , black olives and raisins. Served with escarole

Crispy fillet of bass cooked with almonds and crunchy walnuts , black olives and raisins. Served with escarole



Imagine my surprise when yesterday, strolling in my vegetable garden I found a couple of vegetables that had survived all the winter snow and frost that we had had less then a month ago, roman cauliflowers a [...]

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Ungrateful guests

Green Tagliatelle made with parsley served with a aubergine pesto

Green Tagliatelle made with parsley served with a aubergine pesto



While on my morning run today I met Salvatore , a very fit 80 year old ,he was busy pruning his olive trees. Ciao -I said- would you mind if I bring my car later and  load up with some of your cut olive branches for [...]

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Whatever the weather!

red pepper sorbet

red pepper sorbet



This last week has been really tough. More and more snow has meant we have been unable to interact with the outside world. It’s been 14 days where the snow has completely ruled our daily activities. But we`ve done very well and  survived without killing each other ! (Happy S. Valentine’s day!)



We do [...]

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A once in a lifetime experience.

Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni

Ricotta and aubergine cannelloni

Last night on the eve of my birthday, Nick asked me if I had any special wishes . Well, to tell you the truth, I did have one… Snow !!! And lots of it. That wish came true this morning.  I couldn’t believe it , we opened the shutters [...]

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Perfetti with pasta or risotto !!

Tagliatelle and wild mushrooms

Tagliatelle and wild mushrooms



The other morning as I was making the coffee ,Nick who had been outside letting our goat Hilda  into the field, came running in ,grabbed a basket , a knife and hurried back out . Five minutes later he returned with a mountain of wild mushrooms. Fantastico ! Especially as [...]

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Not for your average Wolf !!!

Small knots of green paste made with parsley, filled with chestnut and ricotta cheese and served with  Pioppini mushrooms .

Small knots of green paste made with parsley, filled with chestnut and ricotta cheese and served with Pioppini mushrooms .

A few  weeks  ago, on a beautiful  Autumn afternoon ,we went to meet our good friend Fumo .  He had kindly offered to introduce us to some other local people who kept goats. Our [...]

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If it works don’t change it !

Etruscan soup

Etruscan soup


Thursday afternoon I was in  total panic, but let me start from the beginning . Some time ago I had been contacted to do a cooking class for a group of American students. The idea was to  cook some  local old recipes linked to the region . Great I thought and [...]

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Happy birthday Jackie !

Jackie's pumpking soap

Jackie's pumpking soup


This week has  been once  again  full of activate . First off, we had the olives to pick . Two days of intensive  labor . Thanks to our friends and family we managed to pick a bumper crop ( 450 kg ), which we hope when crushed will give us about [...]

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This house is not a hotel!!

Red chilies from my vegetable garden

Red chilies from my vegetable garden

 Ciao everyone, no I haven`t won the lottery and escaped to exotic horizons (I wish ) or been the typical Italian and when August came  closed everything down to go on vacation for a month !!!!! Yes, yes if only…..although  the second option is closer to reality….. I [...]

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Sun,sea and....Pecorino cheese!

zucchini balls

zucchini balls

Good morning, finally the big day has arrived .. we are  going on summer holiday !!!!!! Yes I know…we do  live in a place where people love to come on holiday…. but you know? .. once in a while ( 2 years !!) a little break from all these green Umbrian [...]

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