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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

“They came , they saw , but they very nearly didn’t conquer”

"Squashing down the grapes to make more room"

"Squashing down the grapes to make more room"

“They came , they saw , but they very nearly didn’t conquer”.”Never in a field of grapes have so many been picked by so few”.
Is it just me or do these comments , continuaslly made by Nick over the last few days sound familiar. In any [...]

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"Message in a bottle"


Roll up , roll up !  This must be your lucky day, no need to be pushing and shoving  there’s plenty of room for everyone.  Just when you were starting to feel miserable about the summer  coming to an end, we are here to brighten  your day.  Yes , that’s right , [...]

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The stars will begin to shine again..

Bruschetta tomatoes and mozzarella cheese

Bruschetta tomatoes and mozzarella cheese


We are experiencing a bit of a culture shock here In Umbria at the moment in the last 23 days we have only had about 3 days of sunshine. In fact the whole of July has been an incredibly wet month,  even as I write it’s raining outside ! [...]

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Come and pick just pick !

Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce. Picture by Nick Cornish

Spaghetti cooked in tomato water with shrimp and parsley sauce


Yet another month has gone by since my last update on my online diary .
To maintain a technological life, isn’t always easy!  Yes, to link onto the social networks, download my instanphotos and add a few words about my dishes, that is the easy [...]

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A bit more grown up!

Lemoncello Pannacotta served with a lemon Sorbet top ,crunchy pistachio and white chocolate .

Lemoncello Pannacotta served with a lemon Sorbet top ,crunchy pistachio and white chocolate .


Already we`re coming to the end of May and even though Nick and I live in the quiet peaceful rolling hills situated in a corner of Umbria near Orvieto we have had a hectic time this month both work wise [...]

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Black and white Risotto, using ink squid and a 24 month matured parmesan  cheese  for creamy risotto served with calamari and a waffle crispy parmesan.

Black and white Risotto, using squid ink and a 24 month matured parmesan cheese for a creamy risotto served with calamari and a crispy parmesan waffle.


I would say most people ( understandably) assume that living in these fantastic hills of Umbria we are woken each morning by a beautiful dawn chorus, well at [...]

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