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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

We eat more than the boys !!

Peach Panna cotta

Peach Panna cotta



People can be amazing, in just a few days we had more than a dozen volunteers all wanting to come and help us with our grape harvest, we really cannot thank you all enough for such a fantastic response.
Some of the girls wishing to take part in the harvest decided, along with [...]

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September The Harvest , here we are again ! ROLL UP ROLL UP

Pan brioche made with gorgonzola cheese and merlot grapes

Pan brioche made with gorgonzola cheese and merlot grapes



How can the months pass so quickly ? can it really be that time of year again when, here in my little corner of Umbria, friends , neighbors and  farmers, in fact it seems just about everybody, is busy checking and discussing the amount of [...]

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It’s just NOT normal!

Scrambled eggs with Parmesan cheese




For the life of me I`m really pushed at the moment to understand why people say:“go and live in the countryside and live and enjoy a really peaceful, calm lifestyle”
What Crap!
For example lets start with last Thursday, while enjoying a quiet afternoon in Orvieto where I had an appointment, I suddenly [...]

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A great idea blossomed!

Parmesan biscuits with homemade black olives, top up with  sweet and sour onion and fresh thyme

Parmesan and black olives biscuits, topped with sweet and sour red onion and a pinch of thyme



To say my week started benissimo is an understatement ,  this is not just because the sun has finally decided to arrive in Umbria but mainly because this morning I  had the pleasure and honor of cooking [...]

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At a Snail’s pace





Last weekend Orvieto  hosted a big event called “OFF” (Orvieto Food Festival ). It was advertised everywhere, even in the Vanity Far and Style Magazine! The idea was for Orvieto to show to as many people as possible all the good food and wine that is produced here. Along with tours, wine tasting and lots [...]

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Two for the price of one!

Bruschetta figs, pecorino cheese, hazelunts and prosciutto.


With  the great success of the ravioli dish I made the other day , I thought it would be a terrible shame not to  use the same ingredients: figs, hazelnuts and Pecorino cheese for another recipe and came up with the idea of a  FAST appetizer  ,because [...]

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Beans, peas and onion.

Solid caprese

Solid caprese


After consulting a  few old men from the  village and of course double checking  online, I think the weather is going to be OK. So next week we’ll start to plant something in the vegetable garden! A bit of fertilizer first ..then the last go with the cultivator and we’re ready. Green [...]

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“Lucky Lady two ovens”

savory biscuits with olives and cheese.

savory biscuits with olives and cheese.

 I like all types of biscuit: with nuts, with chocolate…but the idea of savory , I find much more fun to do. This is my third experiment with savory  biscuits and I apologize in advance…because  I really think there will be many others in the future.

 Perhaps because they [...]

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Gone picking !!!!!

bread and fresly pressed olive oil


bread and freshly pressed olive oil

With these olives it never seems to end! As you surely remember a couple of weeks ago we made our olive harvest. Then, with great satisfaction for two weeks we’ve been watching everyone from the Allerona village picking theirs . I say satisfaction because clearly ,when you know that your work is [...]

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Sweet and red, great in bread

bread with grapes

bread with grapes

Every year I think the same thing: it would be nice if, during the grape harvest ,after we’ve cook our lunch in the wood burning oven ,  I baked some homemade bread with grapes. But, every year is the same, I do think about it, but actually never do it! In [...]

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