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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Buon Natale-Merry Xmas



It’s tradition in Italy that on Christmas eve we can only eat fish . I have to be honest and admit i don’t remember why .  Just like i never remember to order any fish in time.
All across the country people are running around collecting orders or buying fish from their local fishmongers .If [...]

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A bit more grown up!

Lemoncello Pannacotta served with a lemon Sorbet top ,crunchy pistachio and white chocolate .

Lemoncello Pannacotta served with a lemon Sorbet top ,crunchy pistachio and white chocolate .


Already we`re coming to the end of May and even though Nick and I live in the quiet peaceful rolling hills situated in a corner of Umbria near Orvieto we have had a hectic time this month both work wise [...]

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Moving on ..

Scamorza cheese and grilled cherry tomatoes

Scamorza cheese and grilled cherry tomato


During a recent cooking class in the Sagraincasa kitchen , Nick had the great idea to film the lesson instead of taking pictures. This is a new experiment and we hope that you will enjoy it.


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So many People!

Hummus and Bacclà

Hummus and Baccalà


Last Sunday I woke up with a really good happy feeling it was going to be one of those special days.When I opened the shutters at the kitchen window  the sun was warm and beautiful , Hilda the goat  was happy to see me ( it meant it was time [...]

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The Evil Weasel

Spaghetti cacio&pepe with a crispy egg yolk

Spaghetti cacio&pepe with a crispy egg yolk


Remember my last story when I got really carried away about the spring sunshine that was shining, the happy birds that were  singing , no more fires to be lit indoors etc etc etc  well forget it ,unfortunately I’m still having to plod around filling the wheelbarrow [...]

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My Super Positive Mood

Picture by Nick Cornish

Pigeon and pancetta risotto


After 14 years of living in the Umbrian countryside, I still feel so happy and blessed that we were able to settle and make our home here. Yes I am a Roman and Nick a Londoner we both come from pretty nice, busy towns but, in my opinion,you have [...]

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We eat more than the boys !!

Peach Panna cotta

Peach Panna cotta



People can be amazing, in just a few days we had more than a dozen volunteers all wanting to come and help us with our grape harvest, we really cannot thank you all enough for such a fantastic response.
Some of the girls wishing to take part in the harvest decided, along with [...]

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A great idea blossomed!

Parmesan biscuits with homemade black olives, top up with  sweet and sour onion and fresh thyme

Parmesan and black olives biscuits, topped with sweet and sour red onion and a pinch of thyme



To say my week started benissimo is an understatement ,  this is not just because the sun has finally decided to arrive in Umbria but mainly because this morning I  had the pleasure and honor of cooking [...]

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What a diplomatic fan I have!

Homemade squid ink Tagliatelle served with sea food

Homemade squid ink Tagliatelle served with sea food


Il Palazzo del Gusto, situated in the former convent of San Giovanni in Orvieto, is an organization which promotes the very best of typical Umbrian products. The very name Palazzo del Gusto means “ Palace of Taste”.  Several fantastic associations such as the Slow Food Association, [...]

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Country Bumpkin

A sweet and sour beetroot risotto served with shrimp and almonds

A sweet and sour beetroot risotto served with shrimp and almonds



SURPRISE SURPRISE yes it’s me coming out of myself imposed hibernation , It ‘s been almost a month since my last story and I thought it’s about time I made contact and let our friends know we are all still alive and well.

It’s [...]

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At a Snail’s pace





Last weekend Orvieto  hosted a big event called “OFF” (Orvieto Food Festival ). It was advertised everywhere, even in the Vanity Far and Style Magazine! The idea was for Orvieto to show to as many people as possible all the good food and wine that is produced here. Along with tours, wine tasting and lots [...]

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The proof is in the eating.

Nigella Lawson's Chocolate pasta with Pecans & Caramel

Nigella Lawson's Chocolate pasta with Pecans & Caramel



A few days ago I was contacted by a Daily Mail journalist, her name was  Jan and she was calling from  London.  She had this idea to organize a culinary day in my kitchen here in Umbria with myself and a local housewife/ nonna (nana),cooking  8 [...]

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We need YOU

Chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh herbs wrap in DOP mortadella. Gentely sous vide cooked.

Chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh herbs wrap in DOP mortadella. Gentely sous vide cooked.



This year the vineyard has done very well, we have lots of big, beautiful grapes. The maturation is complete , so now it’s time, like every year, to harvest. In fact, even the wild boar have realized that our [...]

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A foodie experience

Wild fennel foam and Baccalà

Wild fennel foam and Baccalà



Ciao  thought I’d keep you updated on a few things that are happening here in  Umbria and specifically in my little farm house.

Firstly ,after having to deprive our goat Hilda  of the company of two out of three of  her room mates ( the chickens ), we  decided to take on another two chicks [...]

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The beauty of a Sunday Lunch.

Tomato jelly with parmesan mousse and pumpkin seeds.

Tomato jelly with parmesan mousse and pumpkin seeds.



Unfortunately Sunday was not particularly warm, so although the Supper Club started with an aperitif in the garden we decided to continue on the large table in the house. As a surprise for my guests I planned to greet them on their arrival with a small glass of tomato jelly with parmesan [...]

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