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Sun dried Tomatoes

Tomato Passata sauce, part 1

Tomato Passata sauce, part 2

Short but Sweet

Rabbit cooked in red wine and prunes

Rabbit cooked in red wine and prunes



Coming out from a routine is what a good break is all about .  Waking up and realizing that it isn’t your turn to make a cappuccino,  feed the chickens ,  cats, dog or goat is what I call a HOLIDAY.

Short but sweet: we had a couple [...]

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We need YOU

Chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh herbs wrap in DOP mortadella. Gentely sous vide cooked.

Chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh herbs wrap in DOP mortadella. Gentely sous vide cooked.



This year the vineyard has done very well, we have lots of big, beautiful grapes. The maturation is complete , so now it’s time, like every year, to harvest. In fact, even the wild boar have realized that our [...]

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A foodie experience

Wild fennel foam and Baccalà

Wild fennel foam and Baccalà



Ciao  thought I’d keep you updated on a few things that are happening here in  Umbria and specifically in my little farm house.

Firstly ,after having to deprive our goat Hilda  of the company of two out of three of  her room mates ( the chickens ), we  decided to take on another two chicks [...]

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A holiday is always a holiday!!

chocolate ice cream with a cappuccino cream



So , let’s talk about the weather again . After the spring coming in like a Lion ,it’s definitely going out like a Lamb. I was so ready for the summer that I decided to make some ice-cream. Always the optimist…. Because of the unusual warmth before [...]

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In the name of art.

Risotto with Oysters and Spumante wine

Risotto with Oysters and Spumante wine



Yes, it`s the sort of  dish you dream of, Risotto with Oysters and Spumante wine (Italian version of Champagne)!! Mamma mia  What Bliss!!!!!!!! And what , I can hear you say,were you  and Nick celebrating ,well the answer is NIENTE !(NOTHING!) We were just making the most of a [...]

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The beauty of a Sunday Lunch.

Tomato jelly with parmesan mousse and pumpkin seeds.

Tomato jelly with parmesan mousse and pumpkin seeds.



Unfortunately Sunday was not particularly warm, so although the Supper Club started with an aperitif in the garden we decided to continue on the large table in the house. As a surprise for my guests I planned to greet them on their arrival with a small glass of tomato jelly with parmesan [...]

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”Nothing ventured ,nothing gained “





Two months ago I was asked by my friend  Velia if I would like to enter the Risate e Risotti  cooking competition for food bloggers .  The idea of the competition was to create a dish using rice as the main ingredient and to send in a photo of your creation.

The event is [...]

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All work and no play.....

pork tenderloin baked in a salt crust

pork tenderloin baked in a salt crust



Hello, yes I am alive! To give you an idea of ​​what has been happening here over the last few weeks, I’ve made a short list :

1. Preparing the soil for this summer’s vegetable garden  ( very hard work with a rotovator , best left to Nick) [...]

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Let’s take it Slow.

Mazzafegato and Lentils soup

Mazzafegato and Lentils soup



Encouraged by the enthusiasm ,curiosity and the desire to test and learn everything ,shown by the new group of students from the Culinary Institute of America ,I decided to introduce them to some of the typical produce of areas protected by THE SLOW FOOD ASSOCIATION.  Promoted as an alternative to fast food, [...]

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What a survivor!

Crispy fillet of bass cooked with almonds and crunchy walnuts , black olives and raisins. Served with escarole

Crispy fillet of bass cooked with almonds and crunchy walnuts , black olives and raisins. Served with escarole



Imagine my surprise when yesterday, strolling in my vegetable garden I found a couple of vegetables that had survived all the winter snow and frost that we had had less then a month ago, roman cauliflowers a [...]

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A Bitto taste.

Vertical Bitto cheeses

Vertical Bitto cheeses



A couple of days ago my friend Rita sent  an email asking if I wanted to attend a wine tasting near Terni. Wines  from Valtellina  in northern Italy combined with a Vertical Cheese tasting.  Si grazie , of course, I said to her!!

What is  a vertical cheese tasting , you might [...]

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Whatever the weather!

red pepper sorbet

red pepper sorbet



This last week has been really tough. More and more snow has meant we have been unable to interact with the outside world. It’s been 14 days where the snow has completely ruled our daily activities. But we`ve done very well and  survived without killing each other ! (Happy S. Valentine’s day!)



We do [...]

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More than just a poached egg.

Egg Carbonara

Egg Carbonara



This morning was my turn to be first out of bed . I set the animals free , fed the cats and let Lui out . Then I started  the kitchen fire and brought a cappuccino to Nick who was waiting in bed. Yes, my Birthday is well and truly over. All [...]

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Good things come in threes....

King prawn and see bass roll served with leek and shrimp cream.

King prawn and see bass roll served with leek and shrimp cream.


A couple of days ago I received from Susan a link to a recent article she had written on her blog.  I first met  Susan at a Supper Club at our home last summer and I didn`t know then that  she writes [...]

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Every things thermal…

Sea bass fillet with pistachio and lemon served with seafood risotto

Sea bass fillet with pistachio and lemon served with seafood risotto


It takes two wheelbarrows full of wood a day to warm up (or try to warm up) the ground floor of our house in the hills, but what  worries us is the fact that at the moment here in Umbria it is not [...]

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